Survey Programs

Survey Programs

These programs are a tutorial.
Edit the source to see the full syntax of HP48/49 commands.
Further explanation are shown in the screenshots beside.
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Survey Programs

Simple program to start
using CHOOSE syntax

This program shows the
syntax of INFORM

This is a simple text
viwer using  DISP 0 WAIT

This program emulates the
HP48 cukoo. You need an
auxiliar var stored in TXT
to display the text

This program emulates
Plays continuously and
stop when CANCEL is pressed

This program convert
Units using TMENU

This program solves an
equantion using MSOLVR

This program clear all
garbages like PPAR,
IOPAR, etc

This program evaluates
an equantion for a given

This program converts
algebraic to RPN

This program joins or
catenates numbers and

This program shows how
to store a variable into
Edit and see the
source to understand.

This program shows a
simple animation

This program call a pic
and shows it.

Few in a day is much in an year.