These programs are a tutorial. Edit the source to see the full syntax of HP48/49 commands. Further explanation are shown in the screenshots beside. |
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Simple program to start using CHOOSE syntax |
This program shows the syntax of INFORM |
This is a simple text viwer using DISP 0 WAIT |
This program emulates the HP48 cukoo. You need an auxiliar var stored in TXT to display the text |
This program emulates Plays continuously and stop when CANCEL is pressed |
This program convert Units using TMENU |
This program solves an equantion using MSOLVR |
This program clear all garbages like PPAR, IOPAR, etc |
This program evaluates an equantion for a given number |
This program converts algebraic to RPN |
This program joins or catenates numbers and strings. |
This program shows how to store a variable into other. Edit and see the source to understand. |
This program shows a simple animation |
This program call a pic and shows it. |