Area48 Tips

1-Did You Know?
You can order the vars in the HP48 menu typing
VARS SORT ORDER and pressing [ENTER]

2-Did You Know?
You can define the numbers of mines in the MINEHUNT game.

Store a number in the var Nmines , N in capital and the others letters in small case.
This number will be the new number of mines.
If you store a negative number in the var Nmines
the mines become visibles.

3-Did You Know?
Alcaline batteries lasts about three months in HP48.
To change batts follow the steps below:

1-Begin removing the battery that is in the middle. It will make the work easier.
2-To avoid confusion ( as risk of reuse an old batt) remove all old batts and separate it.
3-Now get the new batts and replace.

* Be carefull, dont put new batts together with old ones.

4-Did You Know?
You can purge all memory with a single command.

Type: #9d SYSEVAL and press [ENTER]
and... Hasta la vista babe!
All the user memory will be deleted.

* Danger! Do it only if you need. You was noticed!

5-Did You Know?
You can recover a file imediatelly after it be purged.

Press: ARG and the file will appears in the stack.
So press [STO] and the VAR will be restored
with the original name.

* Advice! This only works if the LAST STAK is ENABLED.
In this case, keeping the last stack enabled helps
many users to recover purged vars.
It doesn't work with directories.

6-Did You Know?
You can go from the top to the bottom or from
the botom to the top of a program using only two keys.

When you are editing a program press: or

The cursor will move to the bottom or to the top of the program.

* More...
Using the RIGHT SHIFT and the arrow sets RIGHT and LEFT the cursor goes fast
to the first or to the last character in a line.

7-Did You Know?
You easily calculate the determinant of a square matrix.

For example:
Put the matrix [ [1 2] ] [3 4] ]on the stack.
Type DET and press [ENTER]
Result: - 2

* More...
Using 1/X you can also invert square matrixes.
This works for square matrixes of all order.
It is limited only by memory.

8-Did You Know?
You can make integrals faster reducing precision of HP48

For example, lets integrate:
It says 0.035033971515, after 43 seconds.

Settinng format to 2 FIX we get Result: 0.03, after 4 seconds.
Put now the format to STD to have full digits.
Result: 0.0346435195954.
The precision difference between both calculus is
0.039041%, in this case.

9-Did You Know?
You can easily create and purge a directory using
only three commands .

For example, create the directory DIR1:
Put in level 1: 'DIR1' and type CRDIR and press [ENTER]
The directory 'DIR' will be created.

Now lets use a similar command to purge it.
Put in level 1: 'DIR1' and type PGDIR and press [ENTER]
The directory 'DIR1' will be purged.

10-Did You Know?
You can easily delete the anoing numbers that appears
in the top of the screen.

They usually appears when you runs a program of the EXAMPLES LIBRARY.
That examples accessed with the
TEACH command.

To get free of them execute {1 2 3 4 5} CF [ENTER]

11-Did You Know?
You can easily make a text viewer.


Repeat "TEXT" 1 DISP 0 WAIT with the text you wish and how many times you wish.
It will work as a single text viewer.

12-Did You Know?
You can easily delete several VARS in a directory.
Type { VAR1 VAR2 VAR3 VAR4 } press [ENTER]
and press [PURGE]
Where VAR1, VAR2, VAR3 and VAR4 are the name
of the vars to be purged.

13-Did You Know?
It is possible make HP48 find a root closest to a number.

Many trancendent equations like y=sin(x) for example
has infinite roots. Using solve it will find a root, in many cases not the one you need.
Give it a number in the field of the vars xand it finds the root closest to this number.
For example 'sin(x)=5' given x in radians
It says:1.57079629421
Now put 6 in the field x. It says: 7.853981165738
This is the other root of this equation.
Give it a number and it finds the root closest to this number.

14-Did You Know?
It is possible recall an Equation back to equation writer.

If you have an equation in level 1 , 'sin(x)' , for example
Press [EQUATION] and [RCL]
and the equation will appears in the EQ. Writer.

15-Did You Know?
It is possible duplicate a program with few commands.

Press [VAR1] and type 'VAR2' [STO]

Where [VAR1] is the name of the original VAR in menu
and 'VAR2' the name of the duplicate new VAR.

You can also press [VAR1]
to edit it and save it with a new name.

16-Did You Know?
It is possible show or hide the clock using flags.

Type -40 CF and the clock will be visible.
Type -40 SF and the clock will be invisible.

You can try this also with other flags.

17-Did You Know?
You can type numbers faster in Matrix Writer.

1 - enters the matrix writer
2 - press the softkey or
3 - enter numbes and press [ENTER].
For example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [ENTER]
4 - dont forget the space [SPC] between the numbers

18-Did You Know?
You can easily use HP48 to evaluate a function.

For example:
Lets evaluate the function y=sin(x)*cos(y)*ln(z)
for x=5, y=4 and z=3

1 - put y=sin(x)*cos(y)*ln(z) in level 1
2 - type { x 5, y 4, z 3} and press [ENTER]
3 - press [SYMBOLIC] [NXT] [ | ]
4 - result: .688604398373 ( with angle mode in radians)

19-Did You Know?
You can find al roots of a polinomial and find the polinomial coefficients given the roots.

For example.
Lets calculate all roots of the polonomial X^4 - 10X^3 + 35X^2 -50X +24
1 - type : [1 -10 35 -50 24] , type PROOT and press [ENTER]
Result: [1 2 3 4]
2 - using [1 2 3 4] and the comand [PCOEF] [ENTER] you can find the coefficients of the polinomial
For example: [1 -3 1 5] [PCOEF] [ENTER]
4 - result: [ 1 -5 -7 41 -30 ] or X^4 - 5X^3 - 7X^2 + 41X - 30

20-Did You Know?
You can join similar terms of a polinomial.

For example:
3*x + 5*y - 3*z^2 - x+2*y - z^2
1 - put on level 1: '3*x + 5*y - 3*z^2 - x+2*y - z^2 '
2 - type COLCT and press [ENTER]
3 - result: '-4(4*z^2) +2*x+7*y'

This operation can be repeated several times according to the complexibility of the expression.


Area48 - HP48/49 for beginners! Tips printable format.

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Carlos Marangon-July 2000- All rights reserved.