About The Author
About The Author
1. About Me My Curriculum Vitae

My name is Carlos Alberto Marangon, I was born in Rodeio Bonito, a small town in Rio Grande do Sul, the southernmost state of Brazil, on a sunny morning, on September 16, 1964.

I am son of Rosalino and Gelcy and I belong to the the third generation of a family from Veneto, in the north of Italy, that was born in Brazil. My family is in Brasil since early 20th Century. I live in Curitiba, Parana, whre I graduated Civil Enginner , in 2000, at UFPR. I am catholic and participate of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal at the São Martinho de Lima parish, in the bourough of Vila Camargo, in Curitiba.

There are more than 10 years that I left Rio Grande do Sul, the sothernmost state of Brazil, where I was born. I also dwelt is some other cities: Rodeio Bonito, Vacaria, Caxias do Sul, Porto Alegre and São Paulo.
I made post-graduation in Safety Enginnering, area and job I work. I also post-graduated in Social Comunication, at SEPAC/USF, in 2003, in São Paulo.

2. Why do I made this site?
Many people use to use calculators and don't know how to use it. These people need help and why not to make a site for them?
I created my first page for calculators in 1996, and in 1999 registered the domain name for AREA48.
In the early 2004, it was created the Portuguese Version of the site, dedicated to the comunity of Portuguese Language of HP48/49 users.
I dedicate this site to all people that use calculators in the world.

3. My Photograps...
Here are some photographs, since when I was a child till today.

Me and my grandmother Elvira
when I was 1 month old.
      At 3 years old,
      celebrating my birthday.

      5 years old.
      Me, my father and my sister
      when I was six years old
When I was 14
my hobby was electronic.
Here I am at a Sciences Fair,
in my school, with my eletro-magnetic cannon.
      When I was 16,
      at the Catholic Church,
      with the family.
      In 1989,
      in Porto Alegre.
In 1999
In 2001,
Civil Enginner
Carlos Marangon.
In 2003,
making sites
In 2003.
Lets live in peace in the world!

I am of opinion that culture must be free,
or at least cheap,for the benefit of the mankind.
Carlos Marangon