but programs to help you begin to make
your first programs using the HP48G series keyboard.
1-Do these exercises works in an HP48S?
Yes, they work.
And in HP49?
They are made in User RPN, should work in HP49.
2-What are the errors that can happen?
-Type commands in small case
-Forgot "" marks
-Forgot '' marks or EVAL
-Forgot << or >> marks
-Forgot the arrow set after OBJ
-Forgot to define a variable
-The fags are not set right
3-How to Use browser FIND or SEARCH?
Clicking on FIND or SEARCH in the top of your browser
will appear a dialog box.<
Type the word you wish and the browser locate it for you&
You can use it for find commands into the text.
4-Copy SUCKS! Many times I think its best give it up.
Sure! Copy sucks but don't give it up.
I myself try many times to make some programs
This is a trying and error method.
Its best download, edit and modify the programs already
installed in the HP memory and use the text as a reference.
5-What is a little square that appear after OBJ or before TAG and into the text?
It can appear a small square after OBJ or before TAG
instead of an arrow if you don't have the appropriate
Windows source.
I just want you don't use these programs for comercial purpose
and say you make them.
You can distribute, alterate, put in your page, copy,
send by infrared, e-mail and so on if you use they to learning.
If you alterate or put they in your page please
cite or link AREA48 as refference for the original programs.